Twitter Art Exhibit 2023
I’m so excited to be involved in this year’s Twitter Art Exhibit charity fundraised. I’ve provided “Continuum”, oil on paper 5”x7” for the event which takes place in Vancouver, Canada. The opening reception is June 24 from 1-8pm. You can learn more here, and follow them on Twitter @twitrartexhibit.

2023 Exhibition Update
My solo exhibition of new paintings will be held from October 13-22, 2023 in Pasadena, California!
The opening reception will be held on October 14, 2023.
Exact location, opening reception details and title of the show to follow. I hope you’re able to make it to this exhibition, my first in 3 years! There will be many new and unseen paintings available. I look forward to welcoming you to my world there and then!
Two of the paintings which will be in the exhibition and are currently available are included here: “Nebula”, 36”x48”, and “Saying goodbye to Wyll”, 10”x8”, both oil on panel.
Lunar Codex Mission Update

In April of this year, two of my paintings will be on the moon! More will follow on a total of three lunar landings, Peregrine, Nova and Polaris, containing works from over 30,000 artists. The Lunar Codex missions have been called “the first truly global Museum on the Moon”.
“Freggaten Jylland,” oil, will be included in these missions.
Gallery Opening!


What Dreams May Come 2016
An exhibition of new paintings by Heather Horton, featuring a short essay by Betty Ann Jordan (Toronto arts writer and cultural tour leader).
24 pages, Released at Abbozzo Gallery, September 2016.
Published by Abbozzo Gallery
Photography of all paintings by Heather Horton
Page Layout and Design by Mimosa Creative

Passages 2007
Heather’s first solo exhibition with Abbozzo gallery. This book is a collection of each piece from the exhibition. Featuring a forward by Ken Forsyth (Independent Fine Art Appraiser).
27 pages, Released at Abbozzo Gallery, September 2007.
Published by Abbozzo Gallery
Photography of all paintings by Heather Horton
Page Layout and Design by Greenlight Graphics
Get in Touch
For purchase inquires please contact Abbozzo Gallery at or 1 (866) 844-4481